There are so many reasons to choose CashbackEngine. Find the most important features of our PHP cashback script in the list below.
Top Features And Benefits
100% Script Source Code– script is NOT encrypted in any way!
Responsive Design
Free upgrades for 6 months
You can add any affiliate program
Add/Edit/Delete your own affiliate networks– add retailers from your favorite affiliate networks
Amazing DIV/CSS design structure– you can easily change your website’s template at any time
Multi-Currency– you can use any currency on your cashback site: dollar, euro, pound, yen, etc
Browse Categories
Easy Navigation
Facebook Signup/Login
Twitter Signup/Login
Google Signup/Login
Search stores by name, keyword
Sort stores by name, popularity, date
Stores by country
Ability to sort retailers by cashback amount
Search Bar Suggestion Feature (similar to google)
Reviews– members can post reviews about stores
Coupons– show stores coupons. Show most popular, exclusive, latest coupons
Ability to sort offers/stores by alphabetical order
Scrolling for featured stores
RSS feed
Site statistics
Missing Cashback
Facebook, Twitter pages
Multilingual– run your cashback site in different languages
Report Store– visitors can report stores
Top Stores– show most popular retailers
Show latest reviews, featured retailers on homepage
Latest Offers– show list of latest added retailers
Each store/offer has it’s own page so it can be indexed
Fraud protection for Refer a Friend Bonus
Login attempts limit
Invitation System– members can send invitations to their friends
Sign Up Bonus– give bonus for new member
Click History– member can see all his clicks history
‘Go to store’ landing page
Similar retailers box
News– news page
XML Sitemap generator
Browse coupons by store
Deal of the Week– show most popular retailer of the week
Balance & History secion– allow to see current balance, and all payments history: cash out requests, sign up bonus, and much more
Refer a Friend– member can find his own unique referral link and referrals statistic
Invitation System– members can send invitations to their friends
My Reviews– user can view his reviews
Edit Profile– edit account setting, such as name, email, change password, etc
Favorite Stores– allow save member’s favorite stores
Request Payment– allow member request cash withdraw
Support System– members can easily send messages, questions to admin directly from site
Admin Features
CashbackEngine also comes with a full featured administration interface, allowing you to manage all the aspects of your cash back site.
Fully Functional Password Protected Admin Backend
Manage Members– View/Edit/Delete Members
Ban/Unban Members
Multiple categories per retailer
Unlimited stores and categories
User Groups– you can add additonal site’s admins and moderators
Sub categories
Coupons– Add/edit coupons. Ability to delete all expired coupons.
Reviews– manage reviews
Ability to add your own content pages
Manage Stores– Add/Edit/Delete Stores
Multiple Cashback– ability to setup more than one cashback amount per company e.g 5% games and 6% books etc
Stores reports– view stores reports
Email Notifications– ability to receive email notifications
Categories– Add/Edit/Delete Categories
Countries– Add/Edit/Delete Countries
Click History– View all clicks history
Affiliate Networks– Ability to Add/Edit/Delete your own affiliate networks settings
Upload CSV– Ability to upload reports from most popular affiliate networks, such as CJ, ShareAsale, LinkShare, TradeDoubler, Webgains,, AffiliateWindow, and other.
Website Stats– get stats about your website, such as daily, weekly and monthly clicks stats, members
Credit User Accounts– you have the ability to credit funds to any member’s account. From here you can also withdraw amount from users accounts.
Email Users– send newsletters for members in one click
News– post site news
Payment methods– Add/Edit/Delete payment methods
Content Management System (CMS)– manage homepage text and other page such as About Us, How it works, Help, Contact Us, etc
Payments Section– have full control over payments. See who needs be paid, what payment method, date, and more
Cashout Requests– see all payout requests from your members. You can confirm or decline requests
Messages System– receive and read messages from members
Did we miss anything? No worries, we are highly customizable!